Support Groups

Helping people find healing and hope

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Alcoholics Anonymous (Men Only)

Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 6:30p – 8:00p

Location: Room 2305

Cost: None

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A. A. membership. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.

Contact Jerry Ross at (405) 302-3080 with questions or for more information.


Caregiver Support Group

Date: 2nd Wednesday of the Month

Time: 6:30p – 7:30p

Location: Room 1321

Cost: The cost of the class is covered by ministry leaders as a gift to you because of your investment in caring for others.

The Caregivers Support Group provides support and ministry to those who are caring for homebound individuals or loved ones in care facilities. The goal is to provide assistance with the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of anyone who is acting as the caregiver for their loved one or friend. Anyone is welcome to join in any monthly meeting at any time.


Celebrate Recovery

Date: Every Monday

Time: 6:30p – 8:30p

Location: The Chapel

Cost: None

Childcare: Available with Registration

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. It is a safe place to find community and freedom from the hurts, hang-ups, and habits that are controlling our life. Open to all people dealing with issues like addiction, anger, co-dependency, eating disorders, abuse, alcohol or drug addiction, gambling, or any other affliction a person may be struggling with.


Divorce Care

Date: Every Wednesday for 13 weeks starting on 8/21/24

Time: 6:00p – 8:00p

Location: Room 1309

Cost: $20

There are not many people around who understand the pain your divorce or separation has caused: to you, your family and your friends. That is the reason for Divorce Care. It’s a series of support groups and seminars conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing. Most importantly, you will learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding our life. At Divorce Care, you will become part of a small support group of people who are also experiencing separation and divorce. By interacting with these people, you will learn there are others who understand what you are feeling and will be able to offer you encouragement. You will also have a chance to talk about the information presented during the seminar. Many participants say these support groups are the most helpful part of the program.

During this 13 week session, we’ll cover all the DivorceCare topics and take a deeper dive on subjects most requested by our participants. Even those who have attended DivorceCare in the past will benefit greatly from this expanded study.



Finding Hope: A Support Group for Loved Ones of Addicts/Alcoholics

Date: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month

Time: 6:30p – 8:00p

Location: Room 1130

Cost: None

As Oklahomans, addiction is affecting all of us. We lead the country in many of the worst categories when it comes to drug and alcohol abuse. Many of us are facing these issues inside the walls of our own homes. Whether it’s drug abuse, alcoholism, gambling or pornography, addictions are destroying our families.

Are you looking for answers? Are you looking for a place to find education, inspiration and a community of others that are dealing with the same issues? If so, Hope is Alive Ministries wants to invite you to attend our new support group, called “Finding Hope”. Finding Hope is a free class offered every second and fourth Tuesday evening. Each week you will have the opportunity to learn more about addiction, find tools to the help those you love and find hope to help you as you journey down this treacherous road. Don’t miss this opportunity to find the HOPE you’ve been searching for. To register or learn more, email Amy Larue at


Foster Parent Support Group

Date: 3rd Tuesday of the month

Time: 6:30p – 8:00p

Location: Room 1330

Cost: None

Our goal is to help couples and parents discover the joys and challenges associated with becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Learn what it takes to share your family with a child seeking one.  We provide a support group for couples who can share experiences and insight to the process, while gaining information about infant adoption as well as an overview of the steps to becoming a foster or adoptive parent.

QSBC online registration is not available for this class. For more information, contact Britley Little at


Griefshare - Wednesday

Date: Every Wednesday beginning 8/21/2024

Time: 6:00p – 8:00p

Location: Room 1307

Cost: $20

Grief Share is a grief recovery program centered on finding healing and comfort through God’s Word. It provides a safe space for processing the pain of losing a family member, friend, or loved one.

The course focuses on introducing participants to Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of lasting comfort, relying on His Word as the sole authority, conscience, and guide. Through interaction with others who have experienced loss, participants can share and learn from each other’s experiences, fostering a supportive community.

 Register Here

Griefshare - Thursday

Date: Every Thursday for 13 weeks starting 8/22/24

Time: 9:30a – 11:30a

Location: Room 1307

Cost: $20

Grief Share is a grief recovery program centered on finding healing and comfort through God’s Word. It provides a safe space for processing the pain of losing a family member, friend, or loved one.

The course focuses on introducing participants to Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of lasting comfort, relying on His Word as the sole authority, conscience, and guide. Through interaction with others who have experienced loss, participants can share and learn from each other’s experiences, fostering a supportive community.

 Register Here

Survivors of Suicide Loss

Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 6:00p – 7:00p

Location: Room 1305

Cost: None; optional book is $10

The Survivors of Suicide group offers support to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide.  Whether you have suffered through the suicide loss of a parent, spouse, sibling or child, healing can come and restore you with the joys of life again.

If you have suffered the debilitating suicide loss of a loved one, you need to share your story and with this Support Group, you will be eagerly heard and lovingly encouraged. You will be with others who have personally and deeply experienced the unbelievable pain that you have felt.  We will learn together, cry together, and grow together and experience a trust and a bond that only survivors of suicide can know.

Our group will be open to all people, regardless of their beliefs or affiliation. If you know of anyone who may be struggling with this trauma, please let them know that our support is theirs.

For more information or to receive a Zoom invite, text Phil Holeman at (918) 964-9990.


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Jessica Newsom – Administrative Assistant to Minister of Education