Connect Groups

Connecting people to Jesus, His Word, and His community

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are a place where you can build a deeper relationship with Jesus and others.

Through our Connect Groups, we’ve witnessed the remarkable transformation that occurs when individuals come together, sharing their journeys, doubts, and victories.

It’s in these authentic gatherings where genuine connections are forged, hearts are opened, and the true essence of faith and friendship is realized. Within our Connect Groups, you’ll find a safe space to explore your relationship with Jesus, engage in meaningful conversations, and cultivate lasting friendships that extend beyond Sunday services.

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Groups for Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s

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Bridgers 1 (Singles)

This class is for young singles and meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1346.

Bridgers 1 are post-college graduates in their 20’s who are typically moving from being a student to becoming a young adult. Whether you are in the workforce, or have recently graduated from college, this is the small group for you!

Bridgers 2 (Singles)

This class is for young singles and meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1341.

Bridgers are are young professionals in their mid to late 20’s. This time of life has a lot of opportunities, and you don’t have to navigate them alone. Join us to form connections and navigate this journey together. 

Young Professionals (Singles)

This class meets every Sunday from 11:00a-12:00p in Room 1343.

Young Professionals is a group of single men and women in their 30s who are seeking to live in biblical community with each other.  Whether you are in the workforce, serving in the military, enrolled in graduate school or in the middle of career changes, this connect group is for you. 

Cultivating Young Families (New Families)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2322.

We are a connect group for young married couples with and without children. We love to study God’s word and experience Community with each other. We are on a journey of growing together in Christ – in our faith, family, and marriages. Come join us!

Dynamic Families (New Families)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2318.

We are a diverse community of families from all walks and in varied life stages. We seek to love and support one another through every season and lean on each other’s dynamic strengths as we live out 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
Join us as we grow deeper in love with Christ, His Word, and in friendships with one another. If you’re seeking spiritual growth, meaningful connections, and a place to belong, you’re invited to be part of a community where everyone’s experiences and strengths are valuable.
Parents of Preschoolers & Elementary (New Families)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2335.

Diaper changes, night feedings, temper tantrums, and routines can make the years raising littles feel exhausting, overwhelming, and mundane. How can we as parents (or soon-to-be-parents) train our little ones’ hearts to be more like Jesus? How can we find joy in the chaos? How can we make time for our marriages, jobs, and friends in the midst of it? You don’t have to figure it out alone! Come walk through the Bible together to discover how we can be better parents, better spouses, and better friends.

Young Families with Babies & Toddlers (New Families)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2324.

Young Families with Babies and Toddlers are new families who are making the transition into parenthood. If you are expecting, or have infants/little one’s this is the perfect place to connect.

Nearly & Newlyweds (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2316.

We are a connect group for couples who are either engaged to be married, or couples who are newly married (less than three years).  We desire to connect with other believers and join with them in being on-mission with God in the world.  We are here to help couples build lasting relationships with each other and ultimately with Christ.

Faith Engaged Families (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2315.

A Connect Group engaging with God to grow our families so that we might engage the world with the Good News.

Parents in Motion (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2305.

Parents in Motion consists of married couples in their 30’s and 40’s with children ranging from toddlers to high school. This class actively lives life together and thrives on continual fellowship with one another. It examines practical parenting from a biblical perspective, marriage, and in-depth Bible studies that can be applied in everyday life.  Our desire is to grow together through rich discussion, shared experiences and biblical community.

Sermon App (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 11:00a-12:00p in Room 2317.

Does the sermon create in you a hunger for further Bible study? Do you ever leave a worship service asking “How can I practically apply what I just heard?” Are you ready to join a growing community that will encourage and assist you each week to live out the Word? This class will dive deeper into the day’s sermon and discuss together strategies for application and obedience. Bring your Bible and your sermon notes and come ready to move beyond listening to learning and living.

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Groups for Adults in their 40’s and 50’s

Click through the groups below to find something that matches what you’re looking for.


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Homebuilders (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11:00a-12:00p in Room 1301 (The Parlor).

Building a house is easy, building a home is hard!  Couples from around the metro area gather weekly to fellowship, study the Bible and find encouragement as they seek to build families that are pleasing to God. Teaching that follows the Bible Studies for Life curriculum plan allows for lively discussion and honest questions in a friendly environment.

Living Faith (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:15a in Room 2307. Unlike other classes, this one offers a hybrid option allowing you to watch via live stream on Zoom. Contact Don Spicer for details at for details.

As a Christian family how do we live a life that reflects our faith and that makes a difference in the world we interact with? This class explores and discusses God’s Word in order to apply His truths and encourage each other to engage with those we touch in our daily lives. We desire to grow in our relationship with God, live a life that reflects our faith, and be a beacon of light and hope to a world that needs Christ.

Parents of Students (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1321.

A group for parents of students in grades six to twelve which addresses the issues of parenting from a principled, biblical perspective and seeking to raise godly young people in a culture that is trying to take them in the opposite direction.  We study the scriptures together, share experience and insights with one another, support one another, and laugh a lot!  Use The Gospel Project curriculum the same as their students.

Pathfinders (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2311.

“Pathfinders” are a group of middle-aged couples using God’s word to seek His path for us and our families. We use Gospel project, a three year through the Bible study as our curriculum. Our lessons are discussion driven and encourage us to apply God’s principles. We not only fellowship during our connect group time on Sunday but we encourage intentional times meeting together for prayer, Bible study, and meals. “Come join us on this path”…

Refuge (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2307.

A Connect Group for couples/parents in their 40’s and 50’s.

Roots: Growing Faith & Family (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2326.

This connect group is uniquely designed to encourage relationships.  Our master teacher approach provides excellent teaching each week in a large group, all the while ensuring meaningful discussion, biblical application, and prayer support around a small group of people at your table.  Come join us!

The Middle (Families with School-Aged Kids)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2302.

This class does offer a hybrid option where you can watch via live stream on Zoom. Contact Craig Davis at for details.

Come join an interactive discussion that will challenge you to “Walk the Talk” of your faith and grow deeper in your personal walk with and witness for Christ. We’re a group that enjoys being together as we apply the Bible to our lives weekly. We also have monthly men’s and women’s events, prayer partners, mission opportunities and group socials where you’ll have the chance to connect with and build relationships with other people in the same age range.

Crossroads (Empty Nesters)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2305.

Empty nesters, retirees, those in second careers, or ‘tweeners taking care of parents or grandchildren all have one thing in common: they are at one of life’s crossroads. When life is uncertain, it’s always better when shared with brothers and sisters in Christ. Lessons are based on The Gospel Project, a chronological Bible study that examines how all Scripture points to our Lord Jesus Christ. Crossroads is where faith and life intersect—where friends study God’s Word together, support and pray with one another, and challenge one another to fully follow Christ. Contact Paula Corley at  with questions or for more details.

Parents of College & Young Adults (Empty Nesters)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1330.

Designed for parents with teenagers or college students and using the Explore the Bible curriculum to discover biblical truth and encouragement.

Transitions (Empty Nesters)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1309.

Empty-nesters, career changes, caring for aging parents or young grand-children.  At some time we all find ourselves in the midst of transition and often it’s difficult.  We are a small group that understands transition and wants to help you through it by walking alongside of you. Relevant teaching that applies biblical truth to everyday life and encourages deep friendships providing strength and encouragement regardless of what comes your way!  The group uses Bible Studies for Life along with other studies to meet the group members needs and provide the most life-changing Bible studies possible.

Ladies Bible Study (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2303. This is a hybrid group meaning that you can also attend via live stream on Zoom. Contact Darcy Stowe at 405-820-5471 for details.

Ladies of all ages who love God and others and are committed to studying the Bible and caring for others as scripture teaches. They use Explore the Bible series.

Soul Sisters (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1328. This is a hybrid group meaning that you can also attend via live stream on Zoom. Contact Teri Cariker at for details.

Building friendships, growing spiritually and ministering to others characterizes this small group designed especially for ladies in their 40’s & 50’s.  Don’t miss the warmth of this class and discover the power of God’s Word lived out in humble lives.

Journey Men (Men)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1303.

In this group men of all ages, life stages and backgrounds come together to support one another. We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, pray for one another, study God’s word together and have discussions of real life situations. Any man interested in learning scriptural principles and developing an effective prayer life as he walks through life is welcome. Join us on our journey as we come along side one another and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and His Word.

Abundant Life (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2326.

The Abundant Life class is made up of couples and singles. We have several teachers who rotate teaching monthly, but the class is more discussion-based than lecture. We have a wide variety of ages and life stages. Contact Scott Tyree at for details.

Join us as we explore God’s Word and learn to live an abundant life in love and laughter. “Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in sight of the children of mankind.” ~ Psalms 31:19-22

Apologetics (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 2309.

Our goal in Apologetics is not to just answer a question but engage the heart of the questioner. Do you have people in your life that give you a desire to learn more so that you can be better equipped to have conversations with them about Jesus and other topics that are important? We believe everyone has deep felt needs and questions that can be answered in the life and person of Jesus Christ. It is the intent of this class to provide validity to that claim. We look at worldview(s), science, and philosophy from a Biblical context that answers the questions of Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny. This is a multi-generational class and we enjoy exploring these truths with all age ranges!  Please contact Sheryl Willingham at 405-640-9923 for more information.

Life Applications (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 11a-12p in Room 1307.

Using Explore the Bible curriculum you will journey with other group members through the Bible discovering the deep truths and great promises contained within God’s Word.  But the journey doesn’t end with knowing the Bible, it has only begun as you learn how to apply God’s Word to your life and use your gifts to minister to others.

Life Principles (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in the Fellowship Hall.

This is a Hybrid Group. It meets on campus and is live-streamed virtually through Zoom. Contact Larry Anderson for details.

When you think of Sunday School at it’s best, you have a mental picture of this department.  Good discussion, relevant teaching, warm fellowship, exciting parties and God’s people locking arms to do ministry together.  It is simply is – the way Sunday School was meant to be!

Sermon App (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 11:00a-12:00p in Room 2317.

Does the sermon create in you a hunger for further Bible study? Do you ever leave a worship service asking “How can I practically apply what I just heard?” Are you ready to join a growing community that will encourage and assist you each week to live out the Word? This class will dive deeper into the day’s sermon and discuss together strategies for application and obedience. Bring your Bible and your sermon notes and come ready to move beyond listening to learning and living.  

The Table (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 8:15a-9:15a in the Fellowship Hall. Unlike other classes, there is a hybrid option that allows you to watch via live stream on Zoom. Contact Jerry Ross at for details.

Are you looking for a place to connect with others, discuss the Bible, and enjoy food and fun every Sunday? The Table is the place for you! We are a unique group that combines small group discussion with a teacher who introduces and concludes the lesson. On top of that we provide a full breakfast to create more opportunities to connect with each other. Come! We have saved you a seat at the Table! 

Singles Alive (Singles)

Singles Alive is a Connect Group for single adults aged 40 and above that meets 9:30-10:30 a.m. in room 2311. We have a great time of fellowship and enjoy studying the Bible through the Explore the Bible curriculum. Please know that you are welcome to join us. We want you to be a part of our group.

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Groups for Adults in their 60’s and Up

Click through the groups below to find something that matches what you’re looking for.


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Blessed Assurance (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1341.

Walk through the Bible, Exploring God’s Word with career missionaries Don and Peggy Williams as Don teaches from a global perspective and years of experience serving the Lord in the field. You will find new and fascinating ways to see the world as an opportunity to reach others for Christ in your daily life.

Faithful Encouragers (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2316.

Come join us for lively discussion, in-depth Bible study, a friendly greeting and warm fellowship.  We use the “Explore the Bible” series and feature a “team teaching” approach that gives a fresh new perspective each month.  Our goal is to pray for and encourage one another in this journey of life, and to reach out by helping others through various mission projects.

Contact Terry Ballantine at for details.

Foreman's Bible Investigators (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2301.

Mixing laughter and serious Bible study, this class uncovers the richness of scripture that produces a vibrant faith. A class dedicated to praying for and ministering to each other and actively being on mission for Christ. It may sound like a party, but serious ministry is happening here.

His Word (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2315.

This is a Hybrid Group. It meets on campus and is live-streamed virtually through Zoom. Contact Charles Lillard at for details.

His Word is for adults in their 50’s & 60’s who want not only to study God’s Word but live it out in a community of people who seriously love God and each other.

Legacy Builders: Challenger (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1319.

This group is part of a large department emphasizing Bible study, and applying what we learn to daily living. The department has caring, loving class members who minister to each other in times of need and enjoy fellowshipping regularly. The class follows Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum.

Legacy Builders: Joyful Good News (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1301 (The Parlor).

This group is part of a large department emphasizing Bible study, and applying what we learn to daily living. The department has caring, loving class members who minister to each other in times of need and enjoy fellowshipping regularly. The class follows Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum.

Legacy Builders: Timothy (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1305.

This lively group of senior adults gather to enjoy each other’s company while studying the Bible using Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum as a guide.  They encourage each other to remain faithful to the call God has placed upon us. Solid Bible teaching, caring ministry and regular opportunities for fellowship are all a part of this active group of seniors!

Pressing On (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:45a in Room 2335.

This is a Hybrid Group. It meets on campus and is live-streamed virtually through Zoom. Contact Howard Geis at for details.

Transformational teaching, biblical community and a focus on gospel-centered living makes this Bible Study for adults in their sixties and better a very popular group.  Using a healthy mixture of discussion and guided instruction participants grow spiritually and with each other making for a truly unique and satisfying experience.

Riveted (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2309.

Focusing on Christ and endeavoring to serve others by sharing the gospel and showing the love of Jesus.  A class based on Hebrews 12:2-3 “…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Transformational teaching, biblical community and a focus on gospel-centered living makes this Bible Study for married and single adults 55 years of age and better very enjoyable.  Using a healthy mixture of discussion and guided instruction participants grow spiritually and with each other making for a truly unique and satisfying experience.

Senior Adult 3 - Bowerman (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30 in Room 1331.

These Groups are offered On Campus. Wade Crews, Senior Adult Pastor, will pre-record a lesson each week. If you are unable to return to campus, contact Jessica Newsom at for the link to the video.

Through our four small group classes we are committed to encouraging spiritual growth and worshiping the Living God. We encourage focusing on spreading the good news of Christ, interceding with prayer, and glorifying God with changed lives. We wish to strengthen and encourage each other in the faith (I Thessalonians 3:2b). We are fellow laborers in the Gospel of Christ to establish and to encourage each other concerning our faith.

David Bowerman

Senior Adult 3 - Drake (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30 in Room 1330.

These Groups are offered On Campus. Wade Crews, Senior Adult Pastor, will pre-record a lesson each week. If you are unable to return to campus, contact Jessica Newsom at for the link to the video.

Through our four small group classes we are committed to encouraging spiritual growth and worshiping the Living God. We encourage focusing on spreading the good news of Christ, interceding with prayer, and glorifying God with changed lives. We wish to strengthen and encourage each other in the faith (I Thessalonians 3:2b). We are fellow laborers in the Gospel of Christ to establish and to encourage each other concerning our faith.

David Drake

Kingdom Seekers (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1309.

A class of people of all ages that are committed to seeing souls/people come to Jesus and then help one another grow in their relationship with God. They use Explore the Bible series.

The Boomers (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1342 (The Commons).

Baby Boomers (born between 1946- 1964) are the largest and most distinct of all generations.  They have changed the world and have no plans of growing old or slowing down.  This group is active in and out of class and use Explore the Bible as a guide to lead them to know God and be followers who impact their world for Him.  Strap on your seatbelt and join the journey!

Truthseekers (Couples)
This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1307.

We all need friends to connect with and share life together.  This class builds relationships around quality bible study and discussion.  This is a solid class that seeks out truths directly from scripture.  The Explore the Bible curriculum is used to support an in-depth Bible study that can be applied to daily life.  The class seeks to have class fellowships often to know and support each other better.      

Contact Jim Davis at for any class questions.

Upward Way (Couples)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:45a in Room 2302.

Transformational teaching, biblical community and a focus on gospel-centered living makes this Bible Study for adults in their sixties and better a very popular group.  Using a healthy mixture of discussion and guided instruction participants grow spiritually and with each other making for a truly unique and satisfying experience.

Discovery (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1321.

Women committed to Christ, His Word and to each other gather each week for an uplifting look at God’s Word. Built on relationships this small group is thrilled to have new ladies join them. They use Explore the Bible as a curriculum guide to studying through the Bible every six years.

Ladies Bible Group (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1345.

Ladies of all ages who love God and others and are committed to studying the Bible and caring for others as scripture teaches. They use Explore the Bible series.

Legacy Builders: Agape (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1328.

This group is part of a large department emphasizing Bible study, and applying what we learn to daily living. The department has caring, loving class members who minister to each other in times of need and enjoy fellowshipping regularly. The class follows Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum.

Legacy Builders: Friendship Class (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 1303.

This group is part of a large department emphasizing Bible study, and applying what we learn to daily living. The department has caring, loving class members who minister to each other in times of need and enjoy fellowshipping regularly. The class follows Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum.

Senior Adult 3 - Brown (Ladies)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30 in Room 1335.

These Groups are offered On Campus. If you are unable to return to campus, contact Jessica Newsom at for the link to the video.

Through our four small group classes we are committed to encouraging spiritual growth and worshiping the Living God. We encourage focusing on spreading the good news of Christ, interceding with prayer, and glorifying God with changed lives. We wish to strengthen and encourage each other in the faith (I Thessalonians 3:2b). We are fellow laborers in the Gospel of Christ to establish and to encourage each other concerning our faith.

Mary Brown

Alpha Men (Men)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2324.

We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired infallible and inerrant Word of God. As such, it is foundational to our Christian worldview. Our aim is to develop a Biblical literacy to equip us so that we may become Psalms 1 men and fulfill our call to The Great Commission, as stated in Matthew 28:16-20. We also believe this study will aid us in becoming better workmen in God’s Kingdom here on Earth, accurately understanding and presenting the Word of Truth to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (II Timothy 2:15).

A Man's Life (Men)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2303.

“A man’s life” is a masculine perspective of the Bible taught with a manly scriptural world view. For men 55 and older, this class will use standard curriculum and mine the nuggets of what God desires for men out of His word.

Senior Adult 3 - Donnelly (Men)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30 in Room 1336.

These Groups are offered On Campus. Wade Crews, Senior Adult Pastor, will pre-record a lesson each week. If you are unable to return to campus, contact Jessica Newsom at for the link to the video.

Through our four small group classes we are committed to encouraging spiritual growth and worshiping the Living God. We encourage focusing on spreading the good news of Christ, interceding with prayer, and glorifying God with changed lives. We wish to strengthen and encourage each other in the faith (I Thessalonians 3:2b). We are fellow laborers in the Gospel of Christ to establish and to encourage each other concerning our faith.

Robert Donnelly

Together in Christ (Singles)

This class meets every Sunday from 9:30a-10:30a in Room 2317/2319.

We are a vibrant, dynamic family of Senior Adult singles, age 60 plus, who believe God has a place for everyone in the church. Our class wants to encourage and challenge you in your spiritual development. It doesn’t matter if you are a single adult, single parent or single again, we want to get to know you and help you experience the abundant single life in Christ. Join us as we learn how to apply biblical teaching to our everyday lives, serve the communities around us, come together to bear witness of the love of Jesus, have fun and celebrate life in Christ.

  • Connect with God, community and one another.
  • Develop tools to better understand God, the Bible and life.
  • Learn to live with confidence through relationships, worship and practical teaching.
  • Seek to live out the purposes of God in your life.
  • Feel comfortable sharing burdens, celebrating victories and offering support.
  • Grow in Christ together by studying the unchanging Word of God.
  • Forge lifelong friendships.

Enjoy the many activities this class offers. The class engages in monthly ladies’ and men’s breakfasts, holiday breakfasts, a monthly birthday breakfast in the classroom, a fifth Sunday potluck lunch, quarterly mission projects, an annual Christmas Eve celebration and Christmas dinner party, a roast dinner and chili lunch provided by a fellow classmate, fellowships throughout the year with game nights, football and basketball watch parties, movies, coffee get-togethers plus a quarterly evening Bible study on various topics.

Sermon App (Multi-Generational)

This class meets every Sunday from 11:00a-12:00p in Room 2317.

Does the sermon create in you a hunger for further Bible study? Do you ever leave a worship service asking “How can I practically apply what I just heard?” Are you ready to join a growing community that will encourage and assist you each week to live out the Word? This class will dive deeper into the day’s sermon and discuss together strategies for application and obedience. Bring your Bible and your sermon notes and come ready to move beyond listening to learning and living.